Moments of lucidity

Is really it possible for my mom to have lucid moments, even though she’s pretty deep into the Alzheimer’s journey?
Jane K.

Dear Jane,
It is not only possible, but probable that your mother will have lucid moments all throughout her journey. This tends to be one of the things that makes it so difficult to accept the disease for what it is. We think that if our loved one can have a lucid moment and understand what’s going on, even for a few minutes, then maybe they’re going to recover. Sadly, that is not the case. Think of the degenerating brain as a little like a light bulb. It can be there and present, but until someone turns on the electric current, it doesn’t work. Lucid moments seem to be like a switch that turns on suddenly, and then turns right back off, both for no particular reason – somehow, something just makes the connection.

It’s also possible for your Mom to understand things even when she has lost the ability to communicate. This is why I always instruct not to talk about our loved ones in front of them, as if they weren’t even there. Another very important thing to remember about your mother is that her feelings aren’t impaired – and by feelings, I mean both physical and emotional. She will always be able to feel touch, warmth, hugs, kindness, and how much you care for her. Keep hugging her, hold her hand, stroke her forehead and smile at her; it will help improve the journey for both of you.